← Return to My Jummbox Soundfont
- January 23, 2025 by stgiga#JBSF, #SiliconSFI’ve now used the cryptic and undocumented+unused fields to fully utilize SiliconSoundFonts... Continue reading
- January 18, 2025 by stgiga#JBSF, #Silicon, #SiliconJBSFThe JummBox SoundFont is now a Silicon SoundFont for all your retro sound chip needs!... Continue reading
- June 11, 2023 by stgiga#JBSF, #jummbox, #soundfont, #jummbox soundfont, #design, #processesSo while this isn’t a game, I can still talk about the decisions, processes, and learnings when designing this. One of my decisions I made when making this that was not covered in the other devlogs... Continue reading
- June 03, 2023 by stgiga#passion projects, #jummbox, #soundfont, #my community experiences, #soundfont communityWhen it comes to experiences with my community of SoundFont makers, I’ve found a distinct drought of SoundFont communities, so I end up being the admin on a fellow SoundFont maker’s Discord server... Continue reading
- May 29, 2023 by stgiga#what went right, #what went wrong, #what did I learn, #lucky development process, #clever development, #project success story, #libre, #how did things go, #jummbox, #soundfont, #jummbox soundfont, #asset creation success, #music, #project development, #refinement, #improvement, #success story, #trash into treasure, #turning trash into treasure, #refactoring, #project improvement, #fixing projects, #sheer luck, #long string of good luck, #good luck time after time, #lucky project, #collaborative project success story, #good teamwork, #things went wellWith regards to making this project, what went right was virtually everything (I talked about the optimization side of things in the Tech Discussion post, but mostly about the technical side of things... Continue reading
- May 29, 2023 by stgiga#request for comment, #musical-artifacts tags, #libre, #SoundFont, #JummBox, #JummBox SoundFont, #project success, #the impact of a project, #long-term project success, #open for suggestionsWith regards to marketing, here are the things that worked: On the musical-artifacts.com page, I included ALL applicable tags, including the commonly-misspelled tags. The site will save ANY tag you de... Continue reading
- May 29, 2023 by stgiga#non-lossy, #design process, #efficient engineering, #success story, #non-destructive optimization, #clever design, #asset creation, #improvement, #music, #what went right, #soundfont, #jummbox, #tricks of the trade, #masterful design, #non-destructive optimization gone right, #miraculous design, #how it was done, #lossless optimization, #truly-lossless optimization, #deliberate compatibility in a good way, #labor of love, #luckiness, #libre, #dejunking, #junk removal, #getting rid of junk non-destructively, #long project, #refinementWhen designing this SoundFont, I had to make it fit under 1 gigabyte in order to fit in Directwave (part of FL Studio), since one of my most formative co-authors on this project (Micasddsa) used it, b... Continue reading
- January 18, 2022 by stgiga#announcement, #updateSo this new update serves to be the last content update ( full drum coverage), and any further updates will be bugfixes if needed... Continue reading